I'm still in April.
With a special dispensation from the city officials, 56 golf carts from our community drove down to Cerise Park one lovely evening. The city dug deep and built this generous amphitheater and we've enjoyed several concerts over the past year or two. This evening, it was the USAF band.
We followed the bike path altho we had to cross a couple city streets. Of course, we stopped traffic but except for one irate, vulgar guy,( in a large truck of course ), the journey was enjoyable. And the evening was perfect and reminded us of our Sunday evenings listening to the West Point bands, overlooking the Hudson.
And then Lizzie and her friend Tristyn drove over. We did the rough and narrow shelf road up to Yankee Boy Basin. It is a favorite ride up to 11,000 ft. The wildflowers were perfect.
My first drawings of Murphy and the cat are on display now above Jon's fireplace. And joined by the antique propeller that my dad gave to Jon when he soloed at age 16. My dad also flew small planes so I guess it's in the DNA. I took lessons, thinking it might help me overcome my intense fear of flying, but never considered soloing...... never. And it didn't really help. So, they say, talk to a pilot...........!!
I did draw as a child and was praised by my teachers and given special assignments. Then I wandered on to other things and in my 30's, I took up oils. It was messy and smelly and I enjoyed it. I had to paint at the dining room table, surrounded by 3 kids and various pets.

Later, I explored various media and took lots of lessons but no direction became inspiring.
And then, at the ripe old age of 80, I take up animal portraits. I'm still surprised.
I have 4 more dog portraits finished and matted but not in their homes yet so can't reveal. And always getting more ideas for my next one.
I read a good book. "You Are Here" by David Nicholls. Now I want to walk across England. Kindle books are expensive and a real extravagance. As my roommate says, 'well, we don't buy meat ! ' I also reread many and I'm back to "Wolf Hall" and will probably read all 3 in the trilogy by Hilary Mantel. I've always enjoyed British history .... and, if I walked across England, I could also see the castles I read about. Now I'm enjoying Prime's "Lady Jane Gray" movie... She was Queen for only 9 days before she lost her head and this is a witty, bawdy telling of her story.
Feeling much better and back to walking my usual distances but still avoiding golf. And I can get on and off the bike without pain so that is a plus.
The news is dismal, depressing, frightening and makes me want to move to Finland where I could live among the happiest people.
PS: The nest on the front door remained empty for another day so we took it down. The door was not as scratched as I thought. Then for the next 3 days, we found smashed blue eggs in front of the door. Was she flying by and just dropping eggs?? There is a roof over the porch so she had to be quite the acrobat to do a 4 egg bombing run.
PPS: I'm no longer moving to Finland. I'm donating, voting and cheering loudly.