Jeff came up from AZ and managed to capture some stunning images with the drone. The top is our view across the golf course and the bottom view is of our house..... we're in the lower center next to the empty lot.

Then I moved on to Colored Pencil basics and the workload seriously and leaf and assorted other organic subjects. I do enjoy the process of layering many many is a slow
process. I'm now finishing up another course on Light / Form and drawing a carrot....exciting things ....
We did some bike rides with Mike and Jenna.....
We did a beautiful ride in Waterton Canyon , south of Denver. That is a woman fly fisher person.
Jeff came up from AZ...... and promptly tested positive for Covid..... Three days later, we succumbed.
It wasn't critical symptoms but it certainly wasn't like the common cold and we were all sick ..... we did seek out the Dr's advice and did not take the anti viral by choice. Codeine cough syrup made all the difference. Two weeks later, we are still feeling some effects and we continued to test positive for 10 days. I'm slowly getting back to walking and hope to get on the bike soon.
Thank you to Mary Oliver....