We spend our days battling the swallows for property rights to our eaves. Although I've heard mention of the nuisance of swallows nesting on porches, we've never even noticed them before. And then, a week or so ago, we were inundated with the swooping, dark, raucous, squatters.

We found them nest building in 4 of our peaked eaves.... 2 stories high. Not only are the mud nests unsightly, the droppings below (one at the front door area) are disgusting. Once they build the nest and occupy it, they are protected by the 1918 Migratory Bird Act and it is against the law to remove them until the young ones have left. And then, next year, they return with all their relatives and make larger colonies. So, determined beyond measure, I took up the only tools at my disposal, a tall ladder and a forceful hose. (Where are those grand boys when we really need them ? ) So far, after 4 days of knocking down blobs of mud every hour or so, we have seen no more building today. I'm not convinced they have given up and moved on. But I also suspect that they are running out of time to lay eggs. Our street has a large concentration of 2 story homes and everyone has been invaded. Our neighbors ask us if the water works but they are not willing or able to climb ladders and so the unsightly nests are growing. Next year I will be ready....

I finally got out with the Hiking Club ..... we did a 4 mile hike on the trails along the rim at BlackCanyon NP....only about 40 min from here. Strenuous and intimidating in spots but so good to get out again.

And then we headed up Owl Creek Pass to get back into the forests and views. This road is not scary like the Jeep trails in the mountains.

Courthouse Peak, a popular hiking trail....
We've been playing a lot of golf. Always a challenging outing but aren't we all optimistic that the next hole will be better. And fun to get out with friends where it's easy to catch up with everyone from 6 ft away.
We're still pretty much in hibernation mode with no plans to change that. Things are opening around here and cases are rising about 2-3 week in the County. Hospitalizations and deaths are not changing.
Neighbors have families and friends in and play cards and dine out and have tried to get back to their usual life style. We're not there yet.
And sun tea makes it feel like summer.....