We've been wandering a few Jeep trails but many are not open high up due to the massive snows this year. But wildflowers are in their full glory at lower levels. The lupine and Mules ears are prolific. I learned that the lupins only turn purple on the top after they are pollinated.
Andy at the Black Canyon and a view of the Gunnison and the Painted Wall.

My favorite teenagers came to visit. We did the Astronomy night at the Black Canyon. After a very interesting lecture, in which THEY understood most everything, we stumbled up the road ( this is a designated Dark Skies area, and it is ! ) to telescopes focused on unknown ( to me ) stars and objects in the heavens. I would have been happy to just see Saturn but apparently, astronomy geeks like the more obscure sights. The boys seemed to enjoy it and that's all that counts.

We're making tentative plans for some wandering about but mostly just enjoying the beautiful days of Colorado. And avoiding the nasty wasps that wounded me with 2 very painful bites.