My favorite sisters came to visit. ( yes, I have just two but they are my favorite). We did the tourist thing with trips to Ouray and a short jeep trail and Black Canyon National Park and of course, the ride on the Telluride gondola.

And the patio was finished just in time to introduce them to our great neighbors. We had a big gathering with lots of good food and drink. There are still finishing details waiting and decorating tweaks but the Florida furniture fits perfectly and the fireplace is big and inviting on cool nights. The upper balcony is a favorite place to view the world and the golfers.
Jeff and Jen flew up from Scottsdale and we played some bad golf....well, not them. We played at The Bridges, another community here and the course is not fun. Lots of water and marshes that grabs your new balls..... because I forget to use the old ones. I had a couple pics but now they are lost somewhere in cyberspace. But they are still a cute couple with great golf games. We look forward to seeing them again this winter in AZ.
And then Mike and Jenna, not wanting to be left out, came up this past weekend. Of course, we headed to Telluride. The air has been uncomfortably smokey from wildfires everywhere but seemed a bit nicer up there.
On Sunday, we joined 496 other ticket holders and toured 7 homes on the Savor the San Juan tour. Montrose looks like a sleepy western town but if you look around a bit, there are stunning ranch homes and unique Victorians and a gorgeous new Craftsman style along the Uncompaghre River that was 5000 ft of beauty. Each home had a chef preparing local farm foods. Our chef from Creekside outdid himself and we decided he had the best offerings.
On one of the last homes, Mike gave up and waited while we wandered the varied gardens. This tree had a massive canopy and was the centerpiece of this sprawling yard.
I've had a lot of pain in my little finger from arthritis. It is swollen and has limited mobility. It's been that way for quite awhile but usually didn't hurt. I've been knitting a lot and playing more golf and now it is really inflamed. Plus, I developed tendonitis ( self diagnosed ) at the base of my left thumb. I wrap it and take Advil but the pain still shoots up my arm when I swing a club. I am sympathetic to anyone who has arthritis in any joint.....I take Tumeric and credit no meat or dairy in keeping inflammation at bay in other parts of my body. I was whining to my neighbor and she said that she would loan me some of her marijuana cream! ( She's a very young 80 ) I hadn't even considered such a thought. Fast forward to last weekend. On our way to Telluride, we stopped at the shop in Ridgeway with the green signs and went shopping.
Entering the tidy shop, I was amazed at the clientele....all seniors !! One lady said it was the only thing that helped the compression fractures in her back. I bought a 1 oz container of ointment.... for $18 of course. And, despite it's very herbal smell, it actually worked !! My little finger gets relief in about 10 min and lasts about 2-3 hours. It becomes more mobil and comfortable. It also works on the tendonitis but haven't played golf since so not sure if it stops the radiating up the arm. So, I'm a believer..... not sure if it is effective against serious pain but they had all sorts of ways to transport the CBD (the stuff that works on the pain). It also has THC in it but he said it wouldn't make me high and I felt nothing ; (
So, we've been busy having fun and catching up with everyone. Great summer and we look forward to a very busy fall.