We had our favorite company last week. Becca and Lizzie left snowy Colorado and came to visit. We got a bit of their time but mostly, they spent their days with Mickey and Harry Potter. Becca left her heart at Disney after her intern days and her joy at returning is so obvious. Lizzie wants to go to school at Hogwarts but it seems that Northern Colorado State accepted her instead. Seems strange that they are so grown up that we just give them the keys to the car and off they go.
On a perfect day, we did join them for some kayaking. Altho there are many springs and lakes recommended for this venture, Weeki Wachi Springs seems to be the favorite. The water was a cool 72 but didn't seem to bother the many younger kayakers as they jumped from rope swings or swam near a sand bar. We chose to stay mostly dry. The water is so amazingly clear. No alligators in this river but we saw turtles and assorted herons and osprey along the jungle-like waterway. As the river neared the Gulf, we saw a few manatees and one mother with her little calf.

Weather was pretty nice while they were here, with only a few showers and low humidity. Meanwhile, looking out the back of the western manse, the day was not good for golf.
I'm constantly on the look out for new recipes and I found a winner. Called "nice cream", it is a creamy delicious frozen treat. Made with only frozen bananas and a few added berries, we would be hard pressed to differentiate between this and ice cream or sorbet. And it's so guilt-free. I am an avid proponent of this whole food, plant based way of eating that we are committed to but I try not to be too preachy and obnoxious about it. I came across this article today and because many of our friends and family are of a certain vintage and might just have some creaky joints, I decided to share this informative bit of info. I understand that many are skeptical of claims that seem to good to be true, but the sources that we use have backed up their claims with proven studies and reliable credentials. So, peruse if you want ....or not. I just wanted to share.........AND, my achy joints are gone and I feel pretty limber and flexible for this stage of my life. AND, the pickle ball player in the family is even more obvious proof as he has all that metal holding him together.
: https://www.drmcdougall.com/…/articles/diet-only-hope-for-…/
And now, we are in full pre-travel mode. We leave in 4 days. We've been cleaning inside and out.....unless we power wash the lanai and walks and furniture at least every 6 months, the green will take over. I'm trying to pack up less this year, having learned that i don't have to take everything I own with me. We always leave something behind but usually manage to have the important stuff.... like each other.
We will try and wander westward at a reasonable pace and stop along the way. We need to be in Casa Grande AZ on the 10th for a big Tiffin (the brand of our motorhome) rally. Then it's up to Jeff and Jen's beautiful new home in Scottsdale for a few days before heading farther north to Montrose. We'll be there at least a month earlier than usual but the social calendar is already getting filled in because it's that kind of happening place. Stay tuned..........