In a minute, I would give up the blog. Don't take it personally..... But if I did, I would have no way to remember what we did or didn't do or who we did it with and when we did it. I depend on this feeble journal to keep track of yesterday, last month, last year and 8 years ago.
So, when the mood strikes or the camera gets used or we do something worth remembering, I'll show up.
Meanwhile, the Connecticut crew came to the West. We spent a few days in Glenwood Springs, a charming picturesque community next to the stunningly beautiful Glenwood Canyon and the rushing Colorado River. One time we said we'd want to live there..... I still could. We stayed at the Hot Springs Lodge which is across the street from the world famous historic Hot Springs Pool and Spa.
The water bubbles out of the spring at a steamy 122 degrees. Watered down a bit, one part is 104 degrees and the main pool is about 92-94. It's only 3-4 feet deep but perfect for family fun. And, you can bring in all sorts of floats and balls and such plus in the pic above, there is a large water slide.
Andy and Mason were either swimming or rafting or busy at the Adventure Park. We had full days
Pretty tulip from a bouquet I bought at the market.
The 3 grandparents went exploring one afternoon up to a small community called Redstone. There is a castle there but it was out of sight and we didn't want to pay the entrance fee so we had a nice lunch and enjoyed the spring flowers.
We've been busy but it's been good busy. Paul played in a PB tournament in the next town over. Two days of 100 degree unrelenting heat made for difficult conditions for players and spectators alike. He and his partners did really well in their divisions.
Somedays, I'm thinking I may give up golf and take up PB seriously. I have only played golf ONCE since we got here and can't say that I've missed it one bit. But most days, I just enjoy my morning 4+mile walk. No hiking due to conflicts but were looking forward to a 3 day hiking trip the end of the month.
Meanwhile, we're heading over to Denver tomorrow to help Lizzie celebrate 17 years, catch up with Nicholas and Kelsey who are home from Oklahoma City for a week or so and enjoy some fireworks.