Hello again......! Here's hoping you had a great Thanksgiving and time with family and friends. We certainly did. ( Bear with me, Blogger.com is not putting pictures where I want them)....
Early last Wed morning...very early, we headed West and landed 3 hours later (according to my watch but not my body clock which said it was 6 hours later),in San Francisco on a beautiful California day. We picked up a car and headed south. A slight diversion in my narrative......we are very connected and yes, even addicted to our devices..... especially now that I have my new phone....anyhow, we just assumed that today's modern aircraft would have a source of power to plug into......but no, we were on an aging 757 that still had the drop down screens. So, we practiced frugality and hoped for a connection in a rental car......not ! We checked several on the "Emerald Isle" and found none so we had to conserve even more.....plus, there were no GPS units on the cars (which we knew before hand ) but now we had to use our phone GPS and we were running on low batteries. We made it to a Panera Bread down the road, had lunch and got charged up. How pathetic we are.
Our destination was my sister's lovely home . In celebration of their 50th Anniversary this month, Sandy and Tom were hosting a gathering at a waterfront hotel in Monterey......It was perfect in every way.
We gathered in a private room. The buffet was over the top.....It was fun to watch Nathan and Justin pick and choose ..... Nathan ate a lot of shrimp and enjoyed many chocolate covered strawberries.
While we waited for our reservation, we enjoyed the terrace overlooking Monterey Bay. What a
picture perfect day.

Of course the seagulls had to get in the picture ..... that's a yellow kayak protruding from his chest.
From the left, my brother Tom, my sister Maureen (she always carries a great handbag) , her friend Tom and my favorite relative standing in the middle.
Unfortunately, all good times must be over too soon....we left the next morning, via Las Vegas and pulled into the driveway about 2 am. (The shiny new SW plane had mood lighting and on board outlets.)
We are back to our daily routines ..... the house has needed a few updates and Mr Fix-it has repaired the dishwasher, replaced the disposal, trimmed the palms ( we have a lawn service but they aren't allowed to climb ladders so only trim what they can reach ? ) and I am trying to enjoy my new hobby involving grout cleaning.
Enjoy the last picture of cloud feathers over Monterey Bay...........