The Flower Show is in it's final days ….. I've seen it before and noted that there was a lack of color this year…. most of the characters were green and brown. Still worthy of a walk about to see them and probably a lot easier to maintain.
I waited at this colorful Kodak point hoping the monorail would pass thru but no luck….. still pretty. Those are impatients in the water.
About the only color we saw.
Peter Pan and Captain Hook and Lizzie and Becca…..the Captain was NOT a flower frocked statue…he moved. The characters are only in place for about 15 min due to the heat and heaviness of the costumes….and they always have a handler with them to control the little fans.
We walked and walked, had lunch in Italy and decided not to wait in line for 75 minutes to enjoy "Soaring". It's a great experience but not worthy of that long line.
Later in the week we wandered over to the Gulf Coast and stopped in Tarpon Springs. This is home to over a hundred years of sponge harvesting. They offer boat rides out to watch the divers go down and retrieve the sponges. Started by the Greeks, the community is still a colorful testament to their culture. The pelicans were hoping for a handout. This was Rufus and he's known to accept handouts.
Bins of sponges of all types were available along the main street. I resisted. The one store said they are antibacterial and won't mold or mildew.
The house is now quiet and we're gearing up for our trip west. There is a lot to do. The MH will become a moving van altho we aren't taking any furniture or large items.
The builder sent us new pictures yesterday. The stonework is looking good.

See you on the road…………..and happy to be leaving record breaking high temps ( 93 today ), humidity and the approaching love bugs……..