After 2 weeks, 900+ miles, 4 campgrounds and assorted bug bites, we are back at the homestead. We explored parts of the state that we had never been to and reaffirmed that we like Sanibel Island the best of all..........unless we happened to come across about 20 million, then we would consider Jupiter Island our long as Tiger was my neighbor.
Altho I didn't get a pic of the Class of 61 reunion, I did manage to capture 3 of the 4 alums the next evening on the beach in Naples. It was a tad chilly but we stuck it out to see the sunset with Mark and Annette. (She took the pic so just imagine someone MUCH younger than this trio )

We came across many birds on this trip. Maybe because we were in State Parks with preserves and the campground in Sanibel with an aviary. Florida has beautiful state campgrounds with outstanding facilities and programs. We certainly didn't take advantage of all they offered but wouldn't hesitate to go back and explore some more.
I liked this view of the Blue Heron with the leaf pattern .....
We saw the skyscraper Osprey nests everywhere. This one was in a preserve and is a manmade tower but they build their huge nests in the highest trees as well. And one guide suggested that if we need shelter in a hurricane, we might consider a nest as none of the osprey nests in that area were destroyed in the last storm.
One day, on Sanibel, this anhinga came to visit our campsite and showed off his plumage and his turquoise eyes. In the same pond were many ducks in their varied colors.
And another Blue Heron.
This was our beach on Bahia Honda Key. That's the real color. The palm is an endangered silver palm. The water was 74 and chilly but the kids didn't seem to mind. You can see the layers of sea grass that wash up and provide good hunting for the birds.
We did go into Key West for another few hours one afternoon. Again it was filled with the college crowd on Break.......they seemed pretty clean cut and well behaved and sunburned. The senior population was also very well represented .... not as attractive however.
And so, we moved up the coast to Jonathan Dickinson SP, near Jupiter on the east coast. This park is located next to the Loxahatchee River and the opposite of Bahia Honda. No tropical plants and flowers here. Very scrubby coarse landscape with no trees in the CG. But again, facilities are excellent and spacing is generous. We took a guided boat trip on the river. We chose the early morning trip hoping the wildlife would be more active and we were rewarded with some good viewing.
This alligator was much too relaxed. I have pictures of herons, osprey, turtles and more turtles, and even more alligators. The manatees were plentiful but the water is dark and murky and it is hard to capture them.

We came across this very large gator, the guide estimated over 10 feet and as I pressed the shutter, a fish jumped right in front of it. It's not a great pic but it sure was a surprise when I looked at the image. I'll put this one up with the eagle with the prey in his claws from last summer.......maybe now, National Geographic will call................

And, just had to share this find. I love Merrill shoes and have been looking for a pair of slip-on types to replace a very old pair. In Key West, I wandered into a cluttered shoe store and found these Merrills. They are part of the Barefoot selection. They are a soft sueded leather with quite thin soles. If I said that you could feel the surface of the floor/ground, you probably would think that wouldn't be comfortable. I am barefoot most of the time and these are very similar (hence the name ! )..... I've worn them every day since and they are perfect. I bought them in black with tan sole and will definitely go back for another color. The young man said they are washable in the dishwasher ???

And so, we're off the highway for a week or so and looking forward to having Lizzie and her friend join us on their Spring Break.