Meanwhile, Andy and Mason came on the coldest weekend of the year but we burned truck loads of $$$$ and had the pool in the 90's and the hot tub at 98 so they swam and played all day. They are amazing little fish, bobbing and diving and (hopefully) only came out to pee !!!
Meanwhile, I am totally inspired by the colorful memories of Costa Rica and I'm honing my shaky skills once again. I have several great Red Eyed Tree Frog shots that I hope to capture. 

This is rendered with colored pencil. I am not comfortable with watercolor so I revert to either graphite or CP. I like the fiddly details and CP allows me to work it over and over. The frog is far from complete but I may try another practice pose and then decide which one to do for real. I am enjoying it but finding that my eyes are giving me fits.
I just ordered a reading/craft light......I researched before deciding on the BlueMax lights and I'll let you know if they are better than the Ott lights as advertised. If so, I may replace some of the other lighting in the house. I suspect that cataracts are creeping into my lovely blues and I need to get that checked out.
I actually played golf the other day....and didn't do so bad after taking about 2 weeks off. With the knee and traveling and apathy, my game has suffered. When I'm out there, I feel determined to do some serious work and get back to enjoying my clubs once again. But I'm basically lazy.
AND, for those of you wondering how I'm doing on the change in my diet......well....... it's a sad story. I had my labs done before we went to CR. Both the Dr and I anticipated great numbers and the staff thought I looked so healthy and thinner (note....not thin, but thinner ). So, we came home, I got the results in the mail and there was NO CHANGE.!! 6 months of not eating meat, fish, chicken, sugar, artificial sweeteners, dairy and NOTHING CHANGED. I was more than disappointed. Granted, I did lose weight, I do feel better, I sleep better but I still can't believe that my CHOL is exactly the same.....Now, granted, the numbers aren't so bad but still.........So, that tells me that it's not what I eat, it's who I am......and unless I take statins, (which I won't ), I can't change anything. So, altho I'm not really eating meat yet or sugar (well, just a bit) and only have had a bit of cheese , I have eased up and I'm a bit more relaxed about the food thing. And I've gone back to my favorite Starbuck mochas. That's more info than you wanted this morning so I'm done................