Medical report Alert : It seems that I do not have a complete ACL....this isn't my MRI because this knee has one. The Dr asked me when I tore my ACL and I gave him an intelligent glance and said "Ummmm.......I don't know.... " He asked if I'd had a previous injury etc and I checked back in my remembered history and couldn't find any time when I had pain or an injury to it. He said it wasn't repairable at this point and doubted it was causing me any problem. The MRI did show a lot of bone edema and signs of inflammation but nothing requiring incisions and anesthesia .... yeaaaaa !! So, I am on steroids, anti-inflammatories and Physical Therapy. NO GOLF, NO WALKING for exercise but I can ride a bike and swim. I guess it's the best I could have hoped for except to not have an injury at all. 
So, with that reasonable news under my belt, we went to the Town Square to celebrate Octoberfest. It was really really chilly.....I think we missed fall somewhere.... We bundled up to watch the wonderful Polka dancers and the German band. Then we warmed up with a big Italian dinner. Over on the waterfront, was the New Orleans Preservation Band from Orlando. They were renamed the Heidelberg Hot Shots for the evening and wore shorts. The trombone player and spokesman is well into his 80's and they got the crowd warmed up and swinging. 
The Connecticut kids are getting good at cooking on the grill and reading by flashlight. We're hoping that the 3rd big storm in the past year won't leave them powerless too much longer altho almost 100% of Newtown is black.
And, I don't want to make you jealous or anything, but I can still fit into the earrings I wore in high school !! (borrowed from this blog )