We grew up in east central ND. A city of trees and well kept homes but nothing to distinguish it from so many .......until 1959 when the World's Largest Buffalo came to stay. As a band member, I was required to attend the dedication and we were granted the honor of sitting under it's ample appendages. There were dignitaries and speeches and we were bored. Nelson Rockefeller was there but I only know that because I read it at the Buffalo Museum near by. If you pass by on I-94, you too can see it.

We spent two evenings with a very large representation from our class and the nearby Catholic school. Altho we share our reunions now, there was very little "mingling" back then between the Protestants and the Catholics.

Here is Paul telling Linda that he would have enjoyed getting to know her better back then, but his mother didn't approve, so the PK had to settle for another Methodist.

Here are myself, Karen, Karen. And Paul. i'm writing this on the iPad and can't adjust the pic so just click to make them normal sized.

And of course the Hatlie's showed up because they would never miss a good time.
Class reunions are an interesting group. My theory is that only those that feel pretty good about their lot in life show up. Not proven of course but anecdotal info might bear it out. The enthusiasm for meeting and greeting was infectious and catching up was great, even if we can't remember the details. The classmate's band was excellent , if a bit too loud for conversation, and music and dancing styles haven't changed in 50 years.
There are plans to get together on a dedicated Facebook page and to meet again in 5 years, god willing and if the creek don't rise. Speaking of which, the rivers are near to overflowing, the dam is releasing water and the mosquitos are breeding and eating.
We visited relatives and wandered down once familiar streets.

This is my
house, Paul lived across town in the parsonage. We stopped by the cemetery to see the family sites.

It was a fun trip, rememberances of people and places and experiences that made us what we are. We'll do it all again before we know it.
This morning we had every plan to drive east and fly from Minneapolis to Portland for the really BIG event in 5 days. Instead, we inexplicably turned WEST.................

Don't panic Jennifer, (anymore than you already are !). We'll be there on time !
Location:Jamestown, ND