For those looking for an exciting read from the old folks as we romp thru life, I'm sorry to say that not much is happening in retirement land. Yes, we are still playing golf, one of us continuing a streak of birdies and pars. Yes, it is still hot and we are planning a short excursion to find cooler weather in a few days. Yes, I am still reading on the Kindle and still undecided if I will keep it.......Target gives me 90 days to decide.
We both got haircuts of about the same length so now it's even
harder to tell us apart.....I believe they say couples start to look alike after many years of togetherness and we're starting at the top of our head.
After a year or so of procrastination, we're finally finishing the study/den/man cave/guest room. P is creating a desk and table out of our former dining room table. It was a hinged affair with a pretty inlay. I liked it but it just didn't work in this house and it was destined for the consignment shop. But his frugal nature fostered his creative side and he is busy repurposing the table. So, before we have a room full of furniture, I managed to pick out a color and begin the painting drudgery. I am not the neatest painter and couldn't resist writing on the walls. Unfortunately, this terra- cotta color is going to take two coats.....stay tuned for the finished view.

Someday, I'd actually like to see this place, St Andrews that is, in Scotland. But I would never consider playing this course. Besides the wind, the rain and the temperature, there are those amazing bunkers to consider.

It's hard to imagine men clad in plaid skirts wanting to actually brave the elements with a stick and a ball.......seems like it should have been Ponce de Leon after finding Florida and the fountain of youth. But maybe the gators gave him second thoughts.