Recently, I've been giving myself brain strain by learning how to play Mah-jongg. It is very popular down here and I have resisted getting involved.....for no good reason except I am busy enough with other retirement activities. And because it doesn't seem to be a couple thing, at least in our neighborhood. Originally conceived in China and played by men, it then became very popular with Jewish women.....and not being either Chinese, a man or Jewish (at least in this life) , it wasn't on my bucket list.

But, one of our neighbors offered to teach a group and I was encouraged to join in. Well, it is really fun and challenging and filled with tradition and etiquette. It reminds me of various card games and rummikube, only very different... if that makes sense. A neighborhood group meets on Thursday night at one of the nearby Rec centers and I'll join in once I think I won't embarrass myself.
Paul's been busy this month doing his instructional work in the simulators in Miami. If he had hoped to find warmer weather down there, he wasn't very successful. The days and nights continue cool and we have been near freezing a couple of times in the past week. It is just so unusual. I feel bad for people who have spent good money on a Florida vacation with hopes of getting sunburned.
Jenna has had her hands full these past couple of weeks. As Mike travels around the world and the country, she has turned into an orthopedic nurse/mother.

Yes, that is a picture of Lizzie and Alex, each wearing a full length cast on their fractured arms. Alex , as mentioned previously, from lacrosse, and Lizzie from a wet floor at school. Alex broke the other arm last summer in the same sport and I remember when he was about 6 or so, he wore casts on his arms at least twice, once from falling off the bunk bed and the other from the trampoline. We thought he'd outgrown all that.