This will be our house next week. Just the two of us, my sisters and their husbands and 1800 strangers. It is Holland America's Westerdam sailing from Seattle to Seattle with a bit of Alaska in between. We have never traveled by boat before altho we did get within 2 days of a Bermuda cruise and then 9/11 happened. I'm just not sure about sharing that space with so many people. I hope they are not all old like us.
We have solved the clothes problem. Went to Sam's Club (oh, how I miss Costco down here) and wheeled out with this 4 piece Samsonite

set. And no, I don't plan on taking all 4 pieces but it allows for fewer decisions .....like, do I take 10 pair of shoes or just 8......This clothes thing is very frustrating. We usually travel with carry on only, just pack and go, but since we will be gone for almost 3 weeks and it involves varied climates, formal events and various electronic devices, it requires a steamer trunk. Now we need a grandson to take along to manage it all. Alex ????
Besides clothes, there is a feeling that we need to take along "things to do " while we are "doing" the cruise. There is always my knitting to keep my fingers and mind agile. Then there is this device, which if the power supply is ample, can keep me zoned out for hours. Have I mentioned that I LOVE my iPhone.?

When electronics fail to hold my attention, there is always the good book to curl up with. I currently have 6 that could travel with me. And with all that luggage, I could take them. My younger sister...yes, I'm the eldest of the 3, and the wisest and the....but I digress. Back to my younger sister , who has a MAJOR birthday on Saturday, and is an avid, avid reader. She got herself a Kindle. She raved about it. She continues to rave about it. So, on my birthday this spring,( not a major one, just one with high matching numbers,) a Kindle arrived for me from P. We spent a week exploring it's attributes, downloaded samples and read every review on it. Then we sent it back. I was disappointed. I wanted to like it so much.

It just didn't do it for me. And I was afraid I would drop it or bang it or sleep on it. I don't think we gave it enough of a chance to impress us. I would still like one. Maybe the next generation Kindle will be enough to push me over. They have reduced the price.
Speaking of books and reading. Go to
http://www.oprah.com/ and download a book for free. Before Wednesday. It's called "Heroic Measures" and sounds pretty good. It downloads in about 10 sec and I had planned on printing it out but it is 207 pages and decided I could just read it on the computer, altho it's not the same, it's more LIKE A KINDLE !!